Vaccination is an act of love, pope says in ad campaign

Above: Pope Francis is pictured in a video for an ad campaign promoting COVID-19 vaccines throughout the Americas. (CNS Screenshot/ courtesy Ad Council)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — When each individual makes a small act of charity, like getting the COVID-19 vaccine, every gesture added together can transform the world, Pope Francis said in a global ad campaign.

“Being vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love. And contributing to ensure the majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love — love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people,” he said in a public service announcement released Aug. 18 in Rome.

The video message (watch below) was part of a global effort by the U.S.-based nonpartisan, nonprofit Ad Council and the COVID Collaborative’s “It’s Up To You” campaign to increase people’s confidence in COVID-19 vaccines by reminding them that the vaccines are safe, effective and save people’s lives. The Vatican’s Dicastery for Integral Human Development also cooperated with the educational initiative.

The three-minute video in Spanish with English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles features Pope Francis and six cardinals and archbishops from North and South America. Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is among them.

The “It’s Up To You” campaign has been inviting “trusted messengers” to deliver “fact-based and life-saving information to populations hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccines, helping them to make informed decisions for themselves and their families,” it said in a joint news release with the Ad Council.

Lisa Sherman, president and CEO of the Ad Council, said, “The role of trusted messengers to educate and inspire their networks is undeniable.”

“We are extremely grateful to (Pope Francis) and the cardinals and archbishops for lending their voices and platforms to help people across the globe feel more confident in the vaccines,” particularly to the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics, she said in the news release.

It said 72% of the adult population and 67% of Hispanic adults have currently been vaccinated against COVID-19 with at least one dose in the United States.

But COVID-19 cases are on the rise worldwide, especially in North, Central and South America. Some nations are still showing very low rates of individuals who are fully vaccinated, such as Honduras with only 5.5% of the adult population and El Salvador with 30%.

While access to vaccines is a challenge, “confidence in the vaccines also presents a hurdle,” the news release said.

In his message, the pope said, “Thanks to God and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19. They grant us the hope of ending the pandemic, but only if they are available to all and if we work together.”

Getting inoculated “is an act of love” for oneself, family, friends and all people, he said.

“Love is also social and political” as these individual “small gestures of personal charity” add up, “overflowing” into something universal that is “capable of transforming and improving societies,” he said.

“Vaccination is a simple but profound way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable,” the pope said.

“I pray to God that everyone may contribute their own small grain of sand, their own small gesture of love; no matter how small, love is always great. Contribute with these small gestures for a better future. God bless you, and thank you,” he said.

Also offering messages encouraging vaccination were: Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes of Mexico; Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, retired archbishop of São Paulo; Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chávez, auxiliary bishop of San Salvador, El Salvador; and Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte of Trujillo, Peru.

The campaign encouraged people to go to and for more information and answers to questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.

St. Stephen's Respect Life / El Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida

St. Stephen’s Respect Life

Deacon Mark Westrick or 919-499-3772


St. Stephen's Respect Life Ministry was formed by a small group of parishioners who are deeply concerned and saddened by the lack of respect for life so prevalent in society today. We focus on three areas: education, action, and prayer. (Learn about the issues, take action when necessary and appropriate, and pray always.)  We recognize that every human being has a God-given dignity, from conception to natural death, and all aspects of life in between. If you share our vision, and would like to join us in spreading a message of faith, hope, and love, we invite you to join us on the second Tuesday of each month, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in Room 137.  We ask that you wear a mask while it is necessary for every one's protection. 

If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Mark at or 919-499-3772.


El Ministerio de Respeto a la Vida de San Esteban fue formado por un pequeño grupo de feligreses que están profundamente preocupados y entristecidos por la falta de respeto por la vida que prevalece hoy en la sociedad. Nos enfocamos en tres áreas: educación, acción y oración. (Aprenda sobre los problemas, actúe cuando sea necesario y apropiado, y ore siempre). Reconocemos que cada ser humano tiene una dignidad dada por Dios, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, y todos los aspectos de la vida en el medio. Si comparte nuestra visión y le gustaría unirse a nosotros para difundir un mensaje de fe, esperanza y amor, lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros el segundo martes de cada mes, de 6:30 a 7:30 pm en el salón 137. Le pedimos que use una máscara mientras sea necesaria para la protección de todos.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el diácono Mark en o al 919-499-3772.


Every 1st Friday of the month (except during Lent), St. Stephen parish invites you to take advantage of two hours of guided and silent prayer. Starting with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, parishioners participate in a communal rosary for the benefit of the parish. Followed by silent prayer for approx. an hour, the evening ends with evening prayer and Benediction. Everyone is welcome to come for some or all of the evening. If you believe you could benefit from an hour of "unplugged" time and prayer, then join us each month. We promise you will find the time beneficial. For more information, contact Deacon Mark at or 919-499-3772.

St. Catherine's Guild

St. Catherine's Guild

Cindy Howenstein - President


Calling all ladies of the parish.  St. Catherine's Guild will be holding its first meeting of the new fiscal year on Monday October 5th, 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  What is St. Catherine's Guild? Well, we are an animated and spirited group of St. Stephen Ladies who meet monthly for nine months of the year.  We pray and support parish and community activities.  We provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors, comfort the sick with our prayer shawl ministry, support our veterans, enjoy an annual retreat, and an end-of-the-year banquet and so much more.  AND we have a lot of fun doing it.  If you want to learn more about St. Catherine's Guild this is the meeting to attend as we will be discussing the up coming years events.  


Confirmation I and Confirmation II

Confirmation II youth and their parents are encouraged to attend a meeting on Monday, September 14, in the social hall at 6:30 PM. This meeting is for youth entering their second year of preparation who will be confirmed at St. Stephen in May 2021.


Confirmation I youth and their parents are encouraged to attend a meeting on Monday, September 14, in the social hall at 7:30 PM. This meeting is for youth entering their first year of preparation who will be confirmed after two years of preparation in 2022.  

These informational meetings will be brief, so please arrive on time.

Questions? Call Leticia Ortega at 919-776-1532 ext. 208.

  • At this meeting please be sure to wear your mask, keep your distance and wash your hands.

From the Desk of the Pastor

New Personnel. We have finished the realignment process in the office due to the retirements of Mary Hart. Leticia Ortega, our receptionist has taken Mary’s position as Director of Faith Formation as previously announced. Diana Cornejo has taken the position of receptionist/secretary. She is a parishioner and goes to college part time online. She speaks English and Spanish and now our entire office is bilingual, an important asset is a parish that has so many Spanish-speaking parishioners. We welcome her to our staff!

Finances. Thanks to the generosity of so many of our parishioners, we continue to hold our own in the financial arena. We are spending less in maintenance and only on things that we really need. Recently, we had some repair and re-paving done in the parking lots. This money was taken from the savings account in Raleigh which I had established with the $50,000 that was left over after the construction of the church. The cost was $26,000. We are looking at proposing a program for electronic giving in the near future, which will make it more convenient for all of us.


Rev. Robert Ippolito, M.S.

Del Escritorio del Padre Roberto Ippolito

Nuevos Puestos. Hemos terminado el proceso de realineación en la oficina debido a la jubilación de Mary Hart. Leticia Ortega, nuestra recepcionista, ha tomado la posición de Mary como Directora de Formación en la Fe. Diana Cornejo ha tomado la posición de Leticia como la nueva recepcionista. Diana es una feligresa en nuestra comunidad y estudia en el colegio. Ella habla inglés y español. Ahora toda nuestra oficina es bilingüe, una ventaja importante en una parroquia que tiene muchos feligreses que hablan español. ¡Les damos la bienvenida a nuestro equipo!


Finanzas. Gracias a la generosidad de muchos de nuestros feligreses, continuamos defendiéndonos en el ámbito financiero. Gastamos menos en mantenimiento y solo en cosas que realmente necesitamos. Recientemente, tuvimos algunas reparaciones y repavimentación en los estacionamientos. Este dinero fue tomado de la cuenta de ahorros en Raleigh, que yo había establecido, con los $50,000 que quedaron después de la construcción de la iglesia. El costo total fue de $26,000. Estamos considerando proponer un programa de donaciones electrónicas en un futuro cercano, que será algo más conveniente para todos nosotros.


Padre Roberto Ippolito, M.S.

From the Desk of the Pastor

New Personnel. Mrs. Mary Hart has decided to retire from her position as Director of Faith Formation. We thank Mrs. Hart for her seven years of devoted and dedicated service here at St. Stephen and for building up our faith formation program and evolving into a family based program. We wish her well in her retirement. Leticia Ortega, our office receptionist, will take over as Director of Faith Formation. We welcome her in her new position. We are presently looking for a person to take her place at the front desk.

Back to School. We will not be doing our usual back to school back pack and school supplies program but we are accepting donations. Some parishioners have already brought in bags filled with supplies. We will take whatever you wish to give and we will find a place for everything that is given. We have no shortage of needy children. Just drop by the office and leave whatever you have purchased by the door.

Rev. Robert Ippolito, M.S.

Del Escritorio Del Padre Roberto Ippolito

Nuevos Puestos. La Señora Mary Hart ha decidido retirarse de su puesto de Directora de Formación. Le damos las gracias a la Señora Mary Hart por sus siete años de devoción y servicio que dedico aquí en St. Stephen y por su ayuda en desarrollar nuestro programa de Formación en la Fe y ayudar evolucionar nuestro programa a tener una base familiar. Le deseamos lo mejor en su jubilación. Leticia Ortega, nuestra secretaria, asumirá el puesto de Directora de Formación. Le damos la bienvenida en su nuevo puesto. Actualmente estamos buscando a una persona para asumir su puesto en el escritorio de enfrente.

Regreso a la Escuela. No estaremos haciendo nuestro programa de regreso a la escuela de mochilas y útiles escolares, pero si estamos recibiendo donaciones. Algunos feligreses ya han donado bolsas con útiles. Nosotros recibiremos lo que gusten y encontraremos un lugar para todo lo que recibamos. No tenemos carencia de niños necesitados.

Padre Roberto Ippolito, M.S.