Exciting things are going on with our new sanctuary. The slab will be poured late May. The Steel has arrived from Monterrey, Mexico and is ready for installation around the middle of June. During July and August, we are due to install the walls and roof so it will start looking like a church. Parishioners are asked to return their pledges for the Memorial Gifts Campaign which we will use for liturgical appointments and construction of a covered walkway.
Progreso de Construcción
Cosas emocionantes están sucediendo con nuestro nuevo santuario. La losa se echará a fines de mayo. El acero ha llegado desde Monterrey, México y está listo para su instalación a mediados de junio. Durante julio y agosto, debemos instalar las paredes y el techo para que comience a parecerse a una iglesia. Se le pide a cada familia que entregue su cooperación para las bancas en los sobres cada tercer domingo del mes.