Vigil Mass: Saturdays at 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday Masses:
9:15 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Spanish)
12:30 PM (Spanish)
Dear Parishioners,
Please be aware that the dispensation from the obligation of Sunday Mass for all the faithful remains and we will continue to live stream 9:15 AM Mass.
If you plan to attend Mass please read the following parish recommendations to promote social distancing and reduce transmission:
God Bless
· Traffic after communion will exit out the side doors.
· Offertory basket will be placed near the baptismal font for parishioners to drop off contribution.
· Please try to use the restroom at home to reduce parish restroom usage.
· Maintain at least six (6) feet social distancing from other individuals, with the exception of family or household members.
· Wear a Face Covering.
· Carry hand sanitizer with you when leaving home, and use it frequently.
· Wash hands using soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds as frequently as possible.
· Regularly clean high-touch surfaces such as steering wheels, wallets, and phones.
· Stay at home if sick.